Wel­come to the brain

Our brain seems to be such a natu­ral part of us that we hardly ever try to think about how it works. It is respon­si­ble for us breathing, for us get­ting from point A to point B, for our heart pum­ping enough blood into our cir­cu­la­tory sys­tem, for us eating and drin­king, for us going to the bath­room, and for all our organs doing their jobs to our com­plete satis­fac­tion. And we almost take it for gran­ted that the brain is the cen­ter of our thoughts and fee­lings. But how does the brain do all this? What hap­pens here? And what hap­pens when it gets out of balance? The ans­wers to these and other ques­ti­ons about the brain, inclu­ding how it deals with new tech­no­lo­gies, are pre­sen­ted here.

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